James Acklin

A software professional interested in distributed, self-hosted, and peer-to-peer systems. Specializes in data visualization and research tooling.

Currently leading product for a p2p messenger you meaningfully own. Have held design director and engineering IC roles with experience managing people and process.

[email protected]


A private, user-owned, and incentive-free communications suite for a more personal and humane internet

Tlon Landscape

Launchpad and framework for developers to build and distribute software without app stores or centralized servers

Tlon Bridge

User-facing management interface for public-key infrastructure. Coordinated rollout of the first Ethereum L2

Bloomfield Robotics

Dashboards for agricultural producers to examine crop health and estimate yield with plant-level imaging and ML processing

Nielsen Global Design System

A WCAG-AAA design system and pattern library for a team of 20 to design unified product experiences across 18+ verticals


Decision support software for marketing campaigns


Geospatial data visualization for media and academic researchers. Acquired by Nielsen in 2017

Smith Brothers Agency

Web properties for CPG brands

Elisco Advertising

Print campaigns for regional clients